Bridge is active in direct real estate investment and development. It specializes in acquiring properties and creating value through a disciplined acquisition process and by applying its strategic insights, creativity, and hard work. Bridge uses its 45 years of real estate investment and management experience to provide focused execution of the investment and development plans established for each property. Its experience has been gained as a principal, as a consultant and as an investment banker to the real estate industry, as a real estate investment fund manager and while serving as a top executive at several nationally prominent real estate owners and developers. Bridge has closed real estate acquisition, sale and financing transactions with a combined transaction value in excess of $5 billion. Its experience has been gained in numerous property types including residential land development and home building, and income producing properties including office, hotel, retail, industrial, apartment, self storage, golf courses and aviation.
Because of the depth and breadth of its direct investment and development experience, Bridge is able to identify unique and attractive investment opportunities. Bridge undertakes a rigorous due diligence investigation and project underwriting before committing to a project.
All projects undertaken and completed have been sold at a substantial profit. All funds borrowed by the projects and/or the principal have been repaid in full with interest. Neither the principal nor any project have been involved in a loan default, foreclosure or bankruptcy proceedings.
For those projects that utilized third party equity investments, all investment funds have been repaid in full plus a substantial profit.